Adrian Bo's Guide To Identifying and Capitalizing on the Gaps In An Industry

| May 10, 2021 | Sponsored Post,


Identifying gaps in any industry and capitalizing on them is what separates the winners from the losers. Regardless of the industry, the skill of locating the areas that can be capitalized upon and developed is a trait synonymous with success. As a real estate agent with 32 years of experience, Adrian Bo knows his industry inside out and has spent decades refining his talent for watching the market and striking while the iron is hot. For the last six years, he has worn the hat of business and lifestyle coach and has helped thousands learn the fine art of how to read and recognize the gaps in any industry.

“Patience is a virtue, but it’s also a must-have in the business world,” explains Bo. “They say - fools rush in where angels fear to tread for a reason. Before you can identify a gap, you need to watch and observe. Study your chosen industry inside out, its history, its trends, what works, what doesn’t, and only after careful scrutiny and measured analysis should you make your play. Sometimes things that look like gaps are, in fact, black holes that’ll swallow up all your time and endeavor and spit it out the other side. On other occasions, avenues that look like dead ends are actually lucrative opportunities. It’s all about not taking things at face value and looking beyond the surface. It takes time and patience but constantly being on the lookout is the only real way to identify gaps others may not see.”

Identifying the gaps is one thing, but capitalizing on them is a completely different ball game, as Adrian Bo reveals. “Knowing how to exploit the gap is a complicated science. You’ve identified the need, but now you must deliver and adequately address that need. First, you need an original and groundbreaking idea and then the tools and know-how to implement it. It’s always wise to surround yourself with a strong team of trusted individuals to help you seize the moment because you need to act decisively, and you need to act fast. Momentum is everything. Innovative thinking and a strong work ethic will stand you in good stead but remember, your watchwords should be tenacity and resilience. It’s an uphill struggle, but when you get to the top, the views are amazing, and once you identify one gap, you’ll soon develop a trained eye for others.”

Photography by: Adrian Bo