Elvis Fuentes activates history, design and technology to create a community of excellence at Coral Gables Museum.
Gallery Night at Coral Gables Museum PHOTO COURTESY OF CORAL GABLES MUSEUM
In 2022, admired art professional Elvis Fuentes became Executive Director at Coral Gables Museum. Located in the 1939 historic Police and Fire Station, the museum is defined by exhibiting civic arts across creative fields. We speak with Elvis about the museum’s unique setting and his vision for advancement.
What defines Coral Gables Museum?
We are the only museum in South Florida dedicated to studying civic arts, including architecture, urban and environmental design, and visual arts within the built environment. Coral Gables has a dynamic story regarding city planning and quality of life in Miami-Dade, where new developments happen so fast, and neighborhoods change overnight.
What is your vision for the institution?
Coral Gables was founded by a poet, whose idyllic visions came to fruition thanks to artists and architects. I envision our role as the place where people come to learn about the importance of historic preservation, good city planning, environmental design, architecture, and public art—creating a community of excellence that makes life better for everyone.
What is your biggest challenge?
Space! We are in a historic building with limited space and must rely on technology. We have made progress in building a new website and renovating facilities, but more technology is needed in physical and digital spaces.
What can visitors look forward to in 2025?
Coral Gables turns 100. We celebrate this milestone with our annual gala, a time capsule, and exhibitions, including the restoration of the Bell Tower of Seville—which inspired the architects of The Biltmore Hotel and the Freedom Tower, among others—and “Coral Gables Centennial: The Story of a City Through 100 Places and Faces.”